The first and most significant part of exterior painting entails Subtrate or Surface Preparation. If the surface isn’t prepared the paint may not adhere properly or there can be premature peeling.
The surface we had been painting was the existing alluminum siding.
- We used a solution of TSP and water employed and after that scrubbed onto the siding using a car wash brush.
- When there’s mould on the surface, bleach can be added to the cleaning solution at a ratio of 1 part bleach to 4 parts water.
- Use a hose to wash off every section after cleansing.
- The surface must be totally dry before it could be painted.
We then let a Boom Lift for its top story. It
Was the best way to get in the large peaks and those areas in which it would
be tricky to negotiate the pitch of the roof.
Picked a Glidden semi-gloss latex exterior paint and had it smashed to
match the siding onto the adjacent barn. We all had to do was give Home
Depot a piece of this siding and they matched the shade beautifully!
While they had been mixing the paint we gathered
- Pliers
- paint brushes of varying dimensions
- paint trays
- painter’s tape
- caulk
Be certain that you have all the provides available so you don’t have to interrupt your work to get a shopping run.
- For starters you have to have an SUV or truck which is capable of towing it home.
- It has a control panel with lots of buttons and instructions.
- Before it will lift you there are quite a couple of security features that must be used.
- If you situate the lift that you wish to be sure the arm of this boom
will have clearance to maneuver the bucket around just as much of the surface
that you would like to paint. - This is important because when you require to transfer the lift to another area it is not easy.
- Provided that we were not in an incline we could push it a very short space.
- However, when it had to be placed on a different side of the
home it was necessary to lift the outriggers, secure the boom in a
position place, hitch it back up to the truck and tow it around. This
is one heavy piece of gear!
- Trees
- phone wires
- electric wires
- in which the outriggers that lift the wheels off the ground and
stabalize it are going to property (you don’t wish to crush plants and
especially feet!)
Boom needed a bucket that could accommodate 2 people around 500 lbs
total. This feature allowed us to be far more effective as we could
paint the surface twice as quickly as just 1 person can.
There was space for a paint tray and can of paint on the floor. After
Situated accurately the boom could move us up, down and across a big
Dealing with tall ladders would have been far more challenging! Not
Only could it have been more precarious, only think about having to transfer
them every few feet and after that climbing up and down all day long while
carrying your can of paint and brush. With a roller would be out of the
- With some practice the boom isn’t difficult to operate.
- You can’t help but feel safe and secure once up from the bucket.
- The self leveling outriggers come down, lift the wheels off the ground and fasten it in position.
- The emergency brake is used.
- The key has to be switched to restrain the bucket and it can be controlled from the ground or inside the bucket.
I would recommend the use of a boom lift for anyone who needs to
Paint the outside a 2 or more story home (it has a reach of 50
If you want to read more information on painting and decorating dublin visit the internet site.
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